Canterbury has extensive experience in the area of Implementation Planning and Execution across varied industries such as finance, healthcare, and government. We have
- Presented an overview of the lessons learned from a DoD-wide program’s efforts at major conferences across the country and performing “roadshows” on the program’s efforts for the executive office senior leadership to generate greater awareness and buy-in across the organization. We compiled 60+ PowerPoint presentations for various organizations’ executive and senior leadership.
- Coordinated tasks on behalf of client to effectively plan, organize, execute and control performance of a $82M program over a five-year period, including performing the quality assurance reviews of project deliverables and activities (700+) for completeness, quality and adherence to customer requirements, within budget and on time.
- Led large teams through the completion of multiple program phases, which involved compiling documents that identified internal controls, business processes and procedures, information systems, transaction detail, evidential matter, organization charts; assessing and testing internal controls; and documenting corrective actions and resolutions to known deficiencies.
- Evaluated work materials (4,000+ pages) to ensure conformance with regulatory requirements such as
- GAAP, GAAS, Sarbanes Oxley
- The CFO Act of 1990, GAO GAGAS Yellow Book, GAO Green Book, FASAB, Title 31 of the US Code, OMB Circular A-123, DoD FMR, and the Federal Manager’s Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982 for government clients; and
- The Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare (JCAHO), now known as The Joint Commission, for healthcare clients.
- Established, designed and drafted learning materials, i.e., articles, newsletters, training materials (including eLearning as computer-based training - reference Canterbury’s Technology (link to Technology page) on behalf of senior leadership in order to updated staff on various topics, including audit readiness, program efforts and status updates, and spotlights on key personnel.
- Led multiple teams in the performance of substantive and dual-purpose testing across multiple financial statement line items, helping management evaluate its internal control environment. These efforts included
- Inventory assets located across
10 sites throughout the United States,
88 buildings,
5,832 line items,
9B sample quantity (7 percent of the asset population), and
$2B sample value (24 percent of the population value).
- Identifying and confirming inventory locations, amounts and current methods for the valuation of plant, property and equipment (PP&E) assets, and performing property and equipment inventory reviews of approximately 5,000 assets across approximately 20 different sites located throughout the US (including Hawaii).
- Preparing for the conversion of assets from one accounting system to another by conducting book-to-floor and floor-to-book inventories (including a review of documentation) of general PP&E (approximately 3,500 assets) located in 40+ buildings across its 9 sites located throughout the US.
- Analyzed several hundred patient cases and developing detailed care plans (from traumatic brain injury / spinal cord injury / cerebral vascular accidents (CVA) patients to medical and surgical patients) for multi-disciplinary teams.
- Knowledge management
Supporting an organization’s office of inspector general (OIG) as it sought to enhance the technical training offerings it provides to its personnel. By employing an instructional systems design process entitled Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (ADDIE), the team assessed the OIG personnel’s software skills, and designed and developed a training program based on the team’s recommendations for strategies and tools. As part of the effort, the team launched an online assessment survey to gather quantitative data from the client’s OIG personnel (524 respondents) pertaining to the Microsoft Suite and other information technology skills, knowledge and proficiencies.